11 Henri Matisse, (1869 - 1954), "Portrait de Monique Bourgeois"

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Tusch på Archespapper 52,7 x 40,5 cm , signerad och daterad Henri Matisse 12/42., pappersstorlek 52,7 x 40,5 cm

Tack till Mr Georges Matisse, Archives Matisse för autentificering och titel. Archives. Mr Matisse kommer att utställa ett äkthetsintyg till köparen om så önskas.

Monique Bourgeois anställdes som 21 år gammal sköterskeelev av Matisse för att vårda honom efter konstnärens canceroperation. Bourgeois tog 1946 sina klosterlöften som nunna och antog då namnet Syster Jacques-Marie. Syster Jacques-Marie var den som tog initiativet till Rosenkranskapellet i Vence (Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence), allmänt ansett som Matisses främsta mästerverk.

Henri Matisse, (1869 - 1954)

”Portrait de Monique Bourgeois”. India ink on Arches paper. 52,7 x 40,5 cm 

Signed and dated Henri Matisse 12/42.

Authenticity and title guaranteed by Mr Georges Matisse, Archives Matisse. Mr Matisse will supply the buyer with a certificate of authenticity if required.

Monique Bourgeois was employed, at the age of 21, as a nursing student to care for Matisse after his cancer operation. In 1946, Bourgeois took her vows as a nun and adopted the new name Sister Jacques-Marie. Sister Jacques-Marie inspired Matisse to design the Chapel of the Rosary at Vence (Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence), publicly acknowledged to be Matisses’ Chef-D’Oeuvre.


Below, the answer from Mr Georges Matisse

Bifogat svaret från Mr Georges Matisse:

Dear Mr Laurell,

Thank you for the photos and I am pleased to confirm that this drawing is recorded in our archives and in my opinion you are holding the original work by Henri Matisse.

The model was Monique Bourgeois who later joined the Dominican order and became Sister Jacques-Marie who inspired Matisse to create a chapel in Vence, France which you can see on the internet. Attached for information are two paintings of Monique done at the same time, you will recognize the chair, her garments, and her bracelets. The drawing does not have a formal title, you could use "Portrait of Monique Bourgeois".

I will issue a certificate of authenticity to your eventual buyer if he or she contacts me after the sale. There is no fee but I ask for a fedex account number for shipping because certificates are not replaced under any circumstances. I would send the certificate to you as a convenience for the buyer if necessary.

With my best regards,

Georges Matisse




    Värdering350 000 - 400 000 SEK
    Köparprovision (inkl. moms)25%
    Slagavgift (inkl. moms)50 SEK
    *Följerätt tillkommer

    Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

    I kategori Art
    Henri  Matisse (1869-1954)
    Henri Matisse var en av centralgestalterna inom 1900-talets måleri. Tillsammans med André Derain grundade Matisse Fauvismen, 1900-talets första, helt nya konstriktning. Åtskilliga av Europas mest kända målare gick som elever hos Matisse, bland annat makarna Sigrid Hjertén (av vilken vi har en oljemålning med på auktionen) och Isaac Grünewald, Einar Jolin och Edward Hald. Matisse var en tusenkonstnär vilket ses i hans mästerverk Rosenkranskapellet i Vence där Matisse var involverad i de flesta delarna av projektet. Inspirationen till kapellet fick Matisse av sin tidigare sjuksköterska Monique Bourgeoise, senare nunna med namnet Syster Jacques Marie. Teckningen av Matisse vi har glädjen att erbjuda till försäljning är just ett porträtt av Monique Bourgeoise. Henri Matisse was one of the central artists of the 20th Century. Together with André Derain, Matisse founded the Fauvist movement, the first new art movement of the new Century. A whole generation of modernist painters, mainly from the USA and Scandinavia, studied painting under the supervision of Matisse, and his influence cannot be overestimated. Matisse was a man of many talents and nothing bears more tribute to that than the Rosary Chapel in Vence in which Matisse designed almost every detail. Matisse was inspired to design the chapel by the catholic nun Sister Jacques Marie. Featured in this sale, we are proud to present a portrait of Sister Jacques Marie under her maiden name Monique Bourgeoise. Porträtt av Henri Matisse, taget av Carl van Vechten den 20 maj 1933, Library of Congress samling. Foto public domain

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